Inverting filter cen

1970s and can now look back on many years of experience.
At that time the technology for automated product discharge
with no residual layer and gentle on the grain was new; it is now
time-proven, accepted and highly regarded in all application
areas of the chemical industry.
Key benefits:
– Dependable discharge of solid material with no residual layer
– Clean filter cloth for the next filling process
– Discharge gentle on the grains, preserving the crystal structure
– Very simple ‚through-the-wall‘ installation
– Very homogeneous cake build-up
– Homogeneous drainage results
– Filling process optimized by the control system, dependent on the
product’s drainage properties
– High rotational speeds during spinning with maximum drum load possible
– Centrifuging process can be regulated flexibly and adjusted automatically
according to product properties
– Homogeneous washing results through the even cake structure
– Comparatively low consumption of wash medium and consequently
low volume of wash filtrate to be processed
– No manual emptying of the drum or opening of the process housings